• Regulations in this year made it possible to wear a 'Kleines Gesellschaftsanzug' just with a ribbon bar (and absolventenabzeichen).
  • There was also a new regulation for Achsel- and Repräsentationsschnur from 1980 onwards. The Achselschnur was also permitted to be worn on the Ausgangsunform for officers.
  • The represäntationsschnur worn also during the last decade on the great winter coats of Honor companies,  formations and guards.
  • Members of the Volksmarine were equiped with a oval patch with a gold coloured anchor to be attached on track suit. Fähnriche and officers received the same  patch but with a gold coloured oval ring.
  • Staff of the airforce and airdefense got new striped rank patches for the service uniforms of pilots and technical staf members.
  • The cuff title 'Wachregiment Friedrich Engels' was introduced.



Shirts of carreer soldiers and officers were equipped with 2 buttons on the pockets and buttons on the sleeves to role them up.

The Ärmelpatten dissappeared from the parade and walking out uniform.  From now on the branch was only distinguised by the colour of the shoulder boards.



All members of the NVA were finally equiped with the strichtarn winter FDA. Before 1982 some members were still equiped with a plain green winter FDA.



  • The NVA stopped using the single and double chevron. The difference between carreer and non-carreer soldiers could be seen by the fabric of their uniforms. The single chevron from this moment on was only used by non-carreer soldiers wearing a carreer soldiers uniform (for example Unteroffiziere aud Zeit of a Wachregiment.
  • Shoulder bourds for Fähnrichschüler were introduced.
  • The double chevron was discontinued.  Soldaten/Matrosen and Unteroffiziere/Maate that singned up for 3 or 4 year service kept on using the single chevron.
  • All offizierschüler received a uniform aus Kammgarn at the beginning of their education.



  • A new model Paradesabre was introduced
  • New Lanyards (Schützenschnure) were introduced for panzer and artillery (dec. 1985) and other were discontinued.



  • A new type of Klassifizierungsabzeichen and Bestrenabzeichen was introduced
  • On the  orange berrett of Fallschirmjäger a patch with the symbol of a parachute was added.
  • The helicopter unit that guarded the borders changed uniforms from LuSK to Grenztruppen, but were given their own green collar tabs with LuSK insignia. They would also wear a GT visor with LuSK insignia.
  • The double breasted General's uniform wasn't to be worn anymore.
  • Carreer Matrose, Maate and Meister added metal dienstlaufbahnabzeichen on their shoulder boards.
  • Female personell from now on wore the same Webpelzmütze as male personell.
  • The dark collar on the great coat dissapeared. From now on the collar had the same colour as the great coat itself.
  • The collar tabs of the LuSK and Fallschirmjäger great coats were removed from the collar.
  • The number of LaSK/LuSK Dienstlaufbahnabzeichen was reduced to: Bandsmen, Militärmusikschüler, Militärjustiz and medical staff.
  • Marinefliegergeschwader 28 was formed between 1985 and 1987. In 1986 this unit recieved it's own type of shoulder boards with light blue piping (soldat - Fähnriche). Officere wore marine uniforms with LuSK shoulder boards and insignia.



  • All Fallschirmjäger ranks would wear a 'officer type' wreath on their orange berrett from now on, and a patch with a parachute symbol was now added to the grey berrett too.



  • Carreer soldiers were given a new model white shirt with double buttons.